Function Prototype


Set image-based constraints for a buffer collection

Setting the constraints on the buffer collection initiates the format negotiation and allocation of the buffer collection. To set the constraints on a VkImage buffer collection, call:

VkResult vkSetBufferCollectionImageConstraintsFUCHSIA(
    VkDevice device,
    VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA collection,
    const VkImageConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA* pImageConstraintsInfo);

vkSetBufferCollectionImageConstraintsFUCHSIA may fail if pImageConstraintsInfo→formatConstraintsCount is larger than the implementation-defined limit. If that occurs, vkSetBufferCollectionImageConstraintsFUCHSIA will return VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED.

vkSetBufferCollectionImageConstraintsFUCHSIA may fail if the implementation does not support any of the formats described by the pImageConstraintsInfo structure. If that occurs, vkSetBufferCollectionImageConstraintsFUCHSIA will return VK_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED.

Valid Usage


vkSetBufferCollectionImageConstraintsFUCHSIA or vkSetBufferCollectionBufferConstraintsFUCHSIA must not have already been called on collection