Function Prototype


Set HDR metadata

To provide HDR metadata to an implementation, call:

void vkSetHdrMetadataEXT(
    VkDevice device,
    uint32_t swapchainCount,
    const VkSwapchainKHR* pSwapchains,
    const VkHdrMetadataEXT* pMetadata);
  • device is the logical device where the swapchain(s) were created.
  • swapchainCount is the number of swapchains included in pSwapchains.
  • pSwapchains is a pointer to an array of swapchainCount
    VkSwapchainKHR handles.
  • pMetadata is a pointer to an array of swapchainCount
    VkHdrMetadataEXT structures.

The metadata will be applied to the specified VkSwapchainKHR objects at the next vkQueuePresentKHR call using that VkSwapchainKHR object. The metadata will persist until a subsequent vkSetHdrMetadataEXT changes it.

Valid Usage (Implicit)


pSwapchains must be a valid pointer to an array of swapchainCount valid VkSwapchainKHR handles


pMetadata must be a valid pointer to an array of swapchainCount valid VkHdrMetadataEXT structures


swapchainCount must be greater than 0


Each element of pSwapchains must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device