Function Prototype


Creates a new execution graph pipeline object

To create execution graph pipelines, call:

VkResult vkCreateExecutionGraphPipelinesAMDX(
    VkDevice                                        device,
    VkPipelineCache                 pipelineCache,
    uint32_t                                        createInfoCount,
    const VkExecutionGraphPipelineCreateInfoAMDX* pCreateInfos,
    const VkAllocationCallbacks*    pAllocator,
    VkPipeline*               pPipelines);
  • device is the logical device that creates the execution graph pipelines.
  • pipelineCache is either VK_NULL_HANDLE, indicating that pipeline caching is disabled; or the handle of a valid pipeline cache object, in which case use of that cache is enabled for the duration of the command.
  • createInfoCount is the length of the pCreateInfos and pPipelines arrays.
  • pCreateInfos is a pointer to an array of VkExecutionGraphPipelineCreateInfoAMDX structures.
  • pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the Memory Allocation chapter.
  • pPipelines is a pointer to an array of VkPipeline handles in which the resulting execution graph pipeline objects are returned.

Pipelines are created and returned as described for Multiple Pipeline Creation.

Valid Usage


If the flags member of any element of pCreateInfos contains the VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DERIVATIVE_BIT flag, and the basePipelineIndex member of that same element is not -1, basePipelineIndex must be less than the index into pCreateInfos that corresponds to that element


If the flags member of any element of pCreateInfos contains the VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_DERIVATIVE_BIT flag, the base pipeline must have been created with the VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_ALLOW_DERIVATIVES_BIT flag set


If pipelineCache was created with VK_PIPELINE_CACHE_CREATE_EXTERNALLY_SYNCHRONIZED_BIT, host access to pipelineCache must be externally synchronized


If VkPipelineBinaryInfoKHR::binaryCount is not 0 for any element of pCreateInfos, pipelineCache must be VK_NULL_HANDLE


If a VkPipelineCreateFlags2CreateInfoKHR structure with the VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_2_CAPTURE_DATA_BIT_KHR flag set is included in the pNext chain of any element of pCreateInfos, pipelineCache must be VK_NULL_HANDLE


If VkPipelineBinaryInfoKHR::binaryCount is not 0 for any element of pCreateInfos, VK_PIPELINE_CREATION_FEEDBACK_APPLICATION_PIPELINE_CACHE_HIT_BITmust not be set in the flags of that element


If VkPipelineBinaryInfoKHR::binaryCount is not 0 for any element of pCreateInfos, VK_PIPELINE_CREATION_FEEDBACK_BASE_PIPELINE_ACCELERATION_BIT must not be set in the flags of that element


If VkPipelineBinaryInfoKHR::binaryCount is not 0 for any element of pCreateInfos, VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_FAIL_ON_PIPELINE_COMPILE_REQUIRED_BIT_EXT must not be set in the flags of that element

Valid Usage (Implicit)


If pipelineCache is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, pipelineCache must be a valid VkPipelineCache handle


pCreateInfos must be a valid pointer to an array of createInfoCount valid VkExecutionGraphPipelineCreateInfoAMDX structures


If pAllocator is not NULL, pAllocator must be a valid pointer to a valid VkAllocationCallbacks structure


pPipelines must be a valid pointer to an array of createInfoCount VkPipeline handles


If pipelineCache is a valid handle, it must have been created, allocated, or retrieved from device