
This document describes a proposal for a new AMD function that allows the precision of AntiLag to be improved.

Problem Statement

(AMD AntiLag) automatically paces the CPU to make sure it does not get too far ahead of the GPU, reducing the latency between inputs received and updates on the screen. Additionally, Anti-Lag+ offers applications the ability to inform the driver when input processing begins, in order to align the timing of display updates, enabling even lower latency between receiving input and displaying on the screen. Currently, this technology is not exposed via Vulkan, and this proposal aims to change that.

Solution Space

The solution must enable applications to inform the driver when input processing begins, to minimize display latency.


typedef enum VkAntiLagModeAMD
    VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_ON_AMD              = 0x00000001,
    VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_OFF_AMD             = 0x00000002
} VkAntiLagModeAMD;
  • VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_DRIVER_CONTROL_AMD - AntiLag will be enabled or disabled depending on driver settings.
  • VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_ON_AMD - AntiLag will be enabled.
  • VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_OFF_AMD - AntiLag will be disabled.
typedef enum VkAntiLagStageAMD
    VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_INPUT_AMD     = 0x00000000,
    VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_PRESENT_AMD   = 0x00000001,
} VkAntiLagStageAMD;
  • VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_INPUT_AMD - stage: before processing input.
  • VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_PRESENT_AMD - stage: before vkQueuePresentKHR.
typedef struct VkAntiLagPresentationInfoAMD {
    VkStructureType     sType;
    void*               pNext;
    VkAntiLagStageAMD   stage;
    uint64_t            frameIndex;
} VkAntiLagPresentationInfoAMD;
  • frameIndex - frame index to corresponding stage. The frameIndex is set just before the input data processing (stage : VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_INPUT_AMD) and this same frameIndex should be set before the frame with current input data will be presenting by vkQueuePresentKHR (stage : VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_PRESENT_AMD), it should be done for each frame.
typedef struct VkAntiLagDataAMD {
    VkStructureType                      sType;
    const void*                          pNext;
    VkAntiLagModeAMD                     mode;
    uint32_t                             maxFPS;
    const VkAntiLagPresentationInfoAMD*  pPresentationInfo;
} VkAntiLagDataAMD;
  • maxFPS - framerate limit used by application. The limit will be imposed, if application will render faster, the FPS will be reduce to the limit. The 0 value will disable the limit.

A new function vkAntiLagUpdateAMD is exposed to inform the driver when input processing begins:

void vkAntiLagUpdateAMD(
  VkDevice                device,
  const VkAntiLagDataAMD* pData);

If the device has been created with the feature antiLag set to true, AntiLag will be enabled. vkAntiLagUpdateAMD should be executed immediately before input to the application is processed. If pPresentationInfo is not nullptr, vkAntiLagUpdateAMD should be executed also before QueuePresent with pPresentationInfo set to proper values. vkAntiLagUpdateAMD can be called with pData equal to nullptr. If Antilag is enabled, vkAntiLagUpdateAMD, when called before processing application input, might block for a finite time in order to reduce the latency between inputs received and updates on the screen. Additionally, if maxFPS is not 0, vkAntiLagUpdateAMD might block in order to meet the specified FPS limit.


A single feature is exposed that enables this functionality:

typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceAntiLagFeaturesAMD {
    VkStructureType    sType;
    void*              pNext;
    VkBool32           antiLag;
} VkPhysicalDeviceAntiLagFeaturesAMD;

The antiLag feature only supports a single GPU and therefore cannot be enabled if the VK_KHR_device_group_creation extension is used to create a device with a physicalDeviceCount greater than 1.


Example 1:

while(true) // Render loop
  // Inform driver about processing input and limit of FPS 60 used by application.
    const VkAntiLagDataAMD data =
    nullptr,                        // pNext
    VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_ON_AMD,        // mode
    60,                             // maxFPS
    nullptr,                        // pPresentationInfo

  VkAntiLagUpdateAMD(device, &data);




Example 2:

uint64_t frameIndex = 0ull;

while(true) // Render loop
  VkAntiLagPresentationInfoAMD  presentationInfo =
    nullptr,                                     // pNext
    VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_INPUT_AMD,                 // stage
    frameIndex,                                  // frameIndex

  const VkAntiLagDataAMD data =
    nullptr,                        // pNext
    VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_ON_AMD,        // mode
    0,                              // maxFPS
    &presentationInfo,              // pPresentationInfo

  VkAntiLagUpdateAMD(device, &data);





  VkAntiLagPresentationInfoAMD  presentationInfo =
      nullptr,                                     // pNext
      VK_ANTI_LAG_STAGE_PRESENT_AMD,               // stage
      frameIndex,                                  // frameIndex

  const VkAntiLagDataAMD data =
    nullptr,                        // pNext
    VK_ANTI_LAG_MODE_ON_AMD,        // mode
    0,                              // maxFPS
    &presentationInfo,              // pPresentationInfo

  vkAntiLagUpdateAMD(device, &data);

  vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, pPresentInfo);