
This document outlines functionality to allow applications to query for additional diagnostic information following device-loss.

Problem Statement

Device-loss errors can be challenging to diagnose. They can be triggered by a number of issues, including invalid application behavior, driver bugs, and physical failure or removal of hardware. Whilst the Vulkan Validation layers are recommended as a first step in diagnosing the majority of API usage issues, they are unable to address all possible causes of device-loss.

This proposal aims to provide application developers with additional information that may aid in diagnosing such errors.

Solution Space

Several options have been considered:

  • Provide foundational extensions to enable the development of crash postmortem tooling
  • Develop extensions or tools that aim to attribute faults to individual Vulkan objects
  • Rely on individual vendor tools and extensions

This proposal focuses on the first option. It represents a partial solution, with further extensions required in order to fully enable crash postmortem tooling.


API Features

The following features are exposed by the VK_EXT_device_fault extension:

typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceFaultFeaturesEXT {
    VkStructureType    sType;
    void*              pNext;
    VkBool32           deviceFault;
    VkBool32           deviceFaultVendorBinary;
} VkPhysicalDeviceFaultFeaturesEXT;

deviceFault is the main feature enabling this extension’s functionality and must be supported if this extension is supported.

deviceFaultVendorBinary is an optional feature that enables support for vendor-specific binary crash dumps, which may be interpreted via external vendor tools.

Querying for Fault Information

Following device-loss, applications may query for additional diagnostic information by calling vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT.

typedef struct VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT {
    VkStructureType    sType;
    void*              pNext;
    uint32_t           addressInfoCount;
    uint32_t           vendorInfoCount;
    VkDeviceSize       vendorBinarySize;
} VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT;

typedef struct VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT {
    VkStructureType                 sType;
    void*                           pNext;
    char                            description[VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];
    VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT*    pAddressInfos;
    VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT*     pVendorInfos;
    void*                           pVendorBinaryData;
} VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT;

VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT(
    VkDevice                                    device,
    VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT*                     pFaultCounts,
    VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT*                       pFaultInfo);

The signature of vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT is intended to mirror the design of existing query functions, where the second parameter (pFaultCounts) indicates size of output arrays, or the number of results written. However, device fault information requires multiple output arrays. Therefore, a VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT structure is used to specify the sizes of multiple arrays at once.

// Query number of available results
VkDeviceFaultCountsEXT faultCounts{};

vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT(device, &faultCounts, NULL);

// Allocate output arrays and query fault data
VkDeviceFaultInfoEXT faultInfo{}
info.pAddressInfos = (VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT*) malloc(sizeof(VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT) *
info.pVendorInfos  = (VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT*)  malloc(sizeof(VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT)  *
info.pVendorBinaryData = malloc(faultCounts.vendorBinarySize);

vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT(device, &faultCounts, &faultInfo);

Interpreting GPU Virtual Addresses

Implementations may return information on both page faults generated by invalid memory accesses, and instruction pointers indicating the instructions executing at the time of the fault.

typedef enum VkDeviceFaultAddressTypeEXT {
} VkDeviceFaultAddressTypeEXT;

typedef struct VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT {
    VkDeviceFaultAddressTypeEXT    addressType;
    VkDeviceAddress                reportedAddress;
    VkDeviceSize                   addressPrecision;
} VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT;

Page addresses and instruction pointers are reported as GPU virtual addresses, and additional extensions or vendor tools may be required in order to correlate these extensions with individual Vulkan objects.

Implementations may only be able to report these addresses with limited precision. The combination of reportedAddress and addressPrecision allow the possible range of addresses to be calculated, such that:

lower_address = (pInfo->reportedAddress & ~(pInfo->addressPrecision-1))
upper_address = (pInfo->reportedAddress |  (pInfo->addressPrecision-1))

It is valid for the reportedAddress to contain a more precise address than indicated by addressPrecision. In this case, the value of reportedAddress should be treated as an additional hint as to the value of the address that triggered the page fault, or to the value of an instruction pointer.

Vendor Binary Crash Dumps

Optionally, implementations may also support the generation of vendor-specific binary blobs containing additional diagnostic information. All vendor-specific binaries will begin with a common header. The contents of the remainder of the binary blob are vendor-specific, and will require vendor-specific documentation or tools to interpret.

typedef struct VkDeviceFaultVendorBinaryHeaderVersionOneEXT {
    uint32_t                                     headerSize;
    VkDeviceFaultVendorBinaryHeaderVersionEXT    headerVersion;
    uint32_t                                     vendorID;
    uint32_t                                     deviceID;
    uint32_t                                     driverVersion;
    uint8_t                                      pipelineCacheUUID[VK_UUID_SIZE];
    uint32_t                                     applicationNameOffset;
    uint32_t                                     applicationVersion;
    uint32_t                                     engineNameOffset;
} VkDeviceFaultVendorBinaryHeaderVersionOneEXT;


1) Should vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT return multiple faults?

RESOLVED: No. This extension only seeks to identify a single fault as a possible cause of device loss and not to maintain a log of multiple faults. We anticipate that in cases where a GPU does encounter multiple faults, there is a high probability that the faults would be duplicates, such as those caused by parallel execution of the same defective code.

2) Can vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT be called prior to device loss?

RESOLVED: No. VK_KHR_fault_handling in VulkanSC does support an equivalent to this, but VK_KHR_fault_handling aims to address a different use case, where a fault log is polled prior to device loss to enable remedial action to be taken.

3) Do page faults need to report the actual address that was accessed, or should we allow reporting of the page address?

RESOLVED: Some IHVs hardware reports page faults at page alignment, or at some other hardware-unit dependent granularity, rather than the precise address that triggered the fault. All addresses are reported at hardware-unit dependent granularity, along with an associated precision indicator. This information can be used to compute an address range that contains the original address that triggered the fault.

4) How should we report cases where one of multiple pipelines may have caused a fault?

RESOLVED: In cases where a fault cannot be attributed to a single unique pipeline, reporting the set of possible candidates is desirable.

5) The page fault and instruction address information structures have similar structure. Should they be combined?

RESOLVED: Yes. These have been combined as VkDeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT to reduce API surface area.

6) How should implementors approach extensibility for vendor-specific faults? Should they rely on pNext chains, or should the extension introduce a generic structure to return vendor error codes and human-readable descriptions in the base structure?

RESOLVED: Implementors should utilize the generic VkDeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT structures where applicable, and fallback to extending pNext chains where this is insufficient. Where a pNext chain is required, vendors should tailor their human-readable error descriptions to advise developers that additional information may be available.