
VK_EXT_frame_boundary is a device extension that helps tools (such as debuggers) to group queue submissions per frames in non-trivial scenarios, typically when vkQueuePresentKHR is not a relevant frame boundary delimiter.

See also the discussion in https://gitlab.khronos.org/vulkan/vulkan/-/issues/2436

Problem Statement

Various Vulkan tools (e.g. debuggers) use a layer to monitor all Vulkan commands, and need to know where a frame starts and ends. In general, vkQueuePresentKHR is a natural frame boundary delimiter: a frame is made by all commands between two vkQueuePresentKHR. However, there are scenarios where vkQueuePresentKHR is not a suitable frame boundary delimiter. The VK_EXT_frame_boundary device extension lets application developers indicate to tools where the frames start and end.

Note: here, frame is understood as a unit of workload that spans one or more queue submissions. The notion of frame is application-dependent. In graphical applications, a frame is typically the work needed to render into the image that is eventually presented. In a compute-only application, a frame could be a set of compute kernels dispatches that treat one unit of work.

There are a number of cases where vkQueuePresentKHR is not a suitable frame boundary delimiter.

Graphics applications bypassing the Khronos swapchain

Graphics applications are not tied to use the Khronos swapchain, and they may interact directly with a platform presentation engine. In this case, they will not call vkQueuePresentKHR.

Compute-only applications

Compute-only applications typically do not interact with a presentation engine at all, so they would not call vkQueuePresentKHR.

Overlapping frames

A graphics application may pipeline its frame preparation such that work for different frames is being submitted in an interleaved way, a scenario we call here overlapping frames.

For instance, consider a graphics application where each frame is executed via two vkQueueSubmit followed by a vkQueuePresentKHR, and frame preparation is pipelined, such that the serialized commands look like:

vkQueueSubmit();     // 1st submit of Frame N
vkQueueSubmit();     // 2nd submit of Frame N-1
vkQueuePresentKHR(); // present Frame N-1
vkQueueSubmit();     // 1st submit of Frame N+1
vkQueueSubmit();     // 2nd submit of Frame N
vkQueuePresentKHR(); // present Frame N

Here, relying on vkQueuePresentKHR as a frame boundary delimiter would lead to the erroneous grouping of queue submissions of different frames as the work of a single frame.

Solution Space

  • Debug utilities: existing debug utilities let us tag Vulkan objects, could we use that to identify which work belongs to which frame? We can think of tagging the command buffers submitted with a frame identifier. However some command buffers may be used concurrently by several frames, so that is not a viable approach. In the same vein, queue debug label regions are not satisfactory since they cannot handle overlapping frames.

What we need is a way to associate a frame identifier to the one or more queue submissions that submit the work for this frame. This is what the VK_EXT_frame_boundary extension does.



We want applications to be able to group queue submissions by frames. To this aim, we let applications tag queue submissions with a uint64_t frame identifier. However, this is not sufficient: given that a frame may span more than one queue submissions, in order to know when a frame ends, tools also need to know which queue submission is the last one for a given frame. So in addition to the frame identifier, we also want to be able to tag queue submissions with a frame end flag, to mark the last submission for a given frame identifier.

There is one clarification left to do: the frame end submission is the logical last queue submission, but in the presence of timeline semaphores it may not be the last one to be submitted. Since timeline semaphores permit queue submissions to wait on semaphores whose signal is not yet submitted, the semaphore meant to be the last part of work for a given frame may not be the last one to be submitted. In this context, we want to mark the frame end submission as the one that is logically the last submission for the frame: if this submission waits on semaphores whose signal is not yet submitted, then all subsequent submissions with the same frame identifier until the submission that signals these semaphores are also associated to that frame.

To illustrate this on a small example, considering serialized Vulkan commands:

// At this point, the latest signal of timeline semaphore TLS set its value to 1

// Logical last submission for frame N, wait on TLS value 2
vkQueueSubmit( frameID:N, frameEnd, wait:TLS(2) )

// The actual final submission, which unblocks the previous one, is also part
// of the work for frame N, even if in submit order it comes after the frameEnd
// submission.
vkQueueSubmit( frameID:N, signal:TLS(2) )

So we want a way to tag queue submissions with a uint64_t frame identifier, and a frameEnd flag. To this aim, the VK_EXT_frame_boundary device extension defines the new VkFrameBoundaryEXT type that is meant to be passed in queue submission pNext chains.

The VkFrameBoundaryEXT type

The VK_EXT_frame_boundary device extension defines a new VkFrameBoundaryEXT type that is meant to be added to pNext chains of queue submissions, such as VkSubmitInfo, VkSubmitInfo2, VkBindSparseInfo or VkPresentInfoKHR. This type looks like:

// Flags
typedef enum VkFrameBoundaryFlagBitsEXT {
} VkFrameBoundaryFlagBitsEXT;
typedef VkFlags VkFrameBoundaryFlagsEXT;

// VkFrameBoundaryEXT can be passed in any queue submission's pNext chain
typedef struct VkFrameBoundaryEXT {
    VkStructureType              sType;
    const void*                  pNext;

    // Necessary members:
    // flags is necessary to mark the last submission of a frame
    VkFrameBoundaryFlagsEXT      flags;
    // frameID is necessary to disambiguate overlapping frames
    uint64_t                     frameID;

    // Extra members: provide a list of objects which  No need to pass the layout as
    // trace-replay tools will track the layout anyway.
    uint32_t                     imageCount;
    const VkImage*               pImages;
    uint32_t                     bufferCount;
    const VkBuffer*              pBuffers;

    // Extra info can be passed with an arbitrary tag payload, typically
    // a tool-specific struct.
    uint64_t                     tagName;
    size_t                       tagSize;
    const void*                  pTag;
} VkFrameBoundaryEXT;


  1. flags provides a way to tag submissions with a frameEnd flag.
  2. frameID provides a way to tag submissions with a frame identifier.

In addition to these two necessary members, we have a few extras:

  1. a list of VkImage: this makes this extension as expressive as vkQueuePresentKHR, the classic frame boundary delimiter. For the classic frame-oriented graphics workloads, it is convenient to have a list of images storing the final frame renderings. We do not need the image layout as the trace-replay tools would have to track image layout already anyway.
  2. a list of VkBuffer: which allows applications that do not produce their final result as an image (eg. compute applications) to provide the final result of the frame.
  3. a way to attach a binary payload: this can be used to pass tool-specific extra information.


Since the concept of a frame is application dependent, there is no way to validate relevant use of frame identifier. As such there is no restrictions imposed on frame identifiers and is the responsibility of the application to use them in a relevant way.

In practice it is advised that applications use a single monotonically increasing counter to base their frame identifiers on and not to reuse identifiers between separate frames.

However, there is no way for the validation layer to detect an application not adhering to these rules, since the validation layer has no idea which submissions should be grouped together, so a valid grouping like this might be flagged as invalid because of the application using wait before signal:

vkQueueSubmit( frame:0 ) // start of a frame
vkQueueSubmit( frame:0 ) // part of the frame
vkQueueSubmit( frame:0, frameEnd, wait:TLS(42) ) // logical end, waiting on a not-yet-signaled TLS
vkQueueSubmit( frame:0, signal:TLS(42) ) // this is still part of the current frame, after the frameEnd marker.



Compute-only that want to split their work into frames can do so with:

vkQueueSubmit( frame:N )           // Zero or more submits for frame N
vkQueueSubmit( frame:N, frameEnd ) // Last submit for frame N

vkQueueSubmit( frame:N+1 )           // Zero or more submits for frame N+1
vkQueueSubmit( frame:N+1, frameEnd ) // Last submit for frame N+1

Graphics, sequential frames, not using the KHR swapchain

A graphics application that prepare frames in sequence (as opposed to overlapping frames), but makes no use of the KHR swapchain, can group submissions with:

vkQueueSubmit( frame:N ) // Zero or more submits for frame N
vkQueueSubmit( frame:N, frameEnd, imageCount:1, pImages:0x12345 ) // Last submit for frame N
// here code that passes pImages to the presentation engine

vkQueueSubmit( frame:N+1 )           // Zero or more submits for frame N+1
vkQueueSubmit( frame:N+1, frameEnd, imageCount:1, pImages:0x54321 ) // Last submit for frame N+1
// here code that passes pImages to the presentation engine

Overlapping frames with wait-after-signal

A graphics application with overlapping frames and wait-after-signal (that may be due to multithreading, here we look at a serialized view of Vulkan commands), can group queue submissions per frame with:

vkQueueSubmit( frame:N ); // 1st submit of frame N

vkQueueSubmit( frame:N-1 ); // Some other submissions for an other frame
vkQueueSubmit( frame:N+1 ); // Some other submissions for an other frame

// 2nd submit of frame N, logically the last one, but waits on a TLS not yet
// signaled for that value
vkQueueSubmit( frame:N, frameEnd, wait:TLS(42) );

vkQueueSubmit( frame:... ); // Some other submissions for other frames

// 3rd submit of frame N, not the logical last one, but the last one in submit
// order (here serialized) since it signals the TLS on which the logical last
// submission waits
vkQueueSubmit( frame:N, signal:TLS(42) );


RESOLVED: What should this extension be named?


Frame is still the best word to convey the meaning of a unit of workload spanning one or more queue submissions. Boundary might be seen as too specific since this can be seen more generally as tagging queue submissions with frame identifiers, but really the goal of this tagging is precisely to know when a frame starts and ends, i.e. to know its boundaries.

RESOLVED: What information should be included in VkFrameBoundaryEXT?

Beyond the necessary flags and frameID, we keep only a list of objects that contain the end result of the frame, and a binary blob where other extra info can be provided.

The list of VkImage and VkBuffer objects allow the application to provide the end result of the frame. There is no need to provide extra information about the object like the layout of these images since capture-replay tools would track the Vulkan state whilst the application is running.

The list of VkImage lets this extension be as expressive as vkQueuePresentKHR, which has a list of swapchain images.

A binary blob (called tag to be homogeneous with VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT), allows tools to define their own data containing any extra information that is required and update this without having to change the Vulkan specification.

RESOLVED: How should frame identifiers be validated?

Do not impose conditions on frame identifiers.

Frame identifiers are just a way to indicate to tools how to group queue submissions, and that there is no ground to impose any kind of monotonic increase. Frame identifiers may be reused and the application is responsible to reuse them in a safe way. In practice it is advised that applications do not reuse frame identifiers, but if the application is not careful when reusing frame identifiers, it only makes a difference for tools, so it should not have a semantic impact.