
This proposal regards layering OpenGL over Vulkan, and provides an efficient path to implement OpenGL dithering on Vulkan.

Problem Statement

Dithering is an important technique necessary to remove color banding, which in itself is an artifact of low-frequency sampling (by our eyes) of a step function (jumps from one color value to another due to quantization). This technique is particularly useful to improve the visuals of gradients quantized over a low-precision format (for example VK_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM_PACK16), or even the highest-precision formats when the two ends of the gradient are close in value (for example sky at late dusk).

Dithering is best done by the Vulkan application. For example, an application rendering to a swapchain with R5G6B5 format can render instead to an R8G8B8A8 (or even B10G11R11) lazily-allocated image in one subpass, then apply dithering in a second subpass along with other necessary work such as color space transformations.

In OpenGL and OpenGL ES, the GL_DITHER state is enabled by default and dithering is made the responsibility of the driver. However, the dithering algorithm itself is undefined, and explicitly allows "no dithering" as a possible algorithm. As such, some vendors do not provide dithering in OpenGL at all, while others do, especially on some tile-based hardware. Those that do provide dithering implement it differently, including using different dithering matrix sizes, or performing dithering at different times (e.g. fragment output vs render pass store operation). Most importantly, devices that apply dithering in OpenGL have specialized hardware to perform this efficiently.

As far as OpenGL layering is concerned, no dithering is technically an acceptable algorithm. However, in practice, due to this state being on by default and implemented by a number of vendors, numerous Android applications have come to (accidentally or otherwise) rely on the visual improvements dithering brings. It is therefore necessary for an OpenGL layer over Vulkan to provide a dithering implementation.

Solution Space

Emulation Through Per-Draw Dithering

Dithering could be emulated by applying the Bayer matrix at the end of the fragment shader. This can potentially be constrained to low-bit formats to limit its effect on performance and shader size.


  • Easy to implement by adding code to the fragment shader during shader compilation.


  • When enabled, the dithering cost is paid extra for each pixel that is overdrawn.
  • As dithering is non-temporal per the OpenGL spec, overdraw with additive blending can accentuate the dithering that is applied, making the image look grainy.
  • Dithering alpha can create visual artifacts as the background is leaked into an otherwise completely opaque shape when blending is enabled.
    • Quantizing alpha in the shader itself can alleviate this.
  • The generated shader size is increased, with the usual caveats regarding performance.

Emulation Through Per-Subpass Dithering

Dithering can also be applied at the end of the subpass, closely emulating what some hardware do. For this to work, a post-process subpass needs to be added that applies dithering. The original subpass needs to render to a lazily-allocated image with higher precision.


  • Performant when possible.
  • No issues with blending.


  • Costly on non-tiled-based hardware both in memory and performance.
  • Relatively complicated to code.
  • Currently, Vulkan provides no feedback to ensure this is done efficiently (e.g. whether the tile-based Vulkan driver could successfully merge and execute the two subpasses on the tile, without implicit splits such as due to memory constraints).
  • The high and low precision versions of the attachment live on the tile memory at the same time for the final subpass, increasing tile memory usage and potentially degrading performance (if the tile size has to change because of that).

Exposing Dithering Hardware Through a Vulkan Extension

For vendors that support dithering in hardware, exposing it in a Vulkan extension would enable the OpenGL layer to match the vendors' current OpenGL driver in behavior.


  • Trivial to use.
  • Efficient.


  • Hardware vendors may be planning on removing this feature.
  • The dithering algorithm is grossly underspecified in OpenGL, and vendors are known to apply it incompletely or incorrectly in some situations. A Vulkan extension would necessarily be almost as vague as the OpenGL spec, which is not in the spirit of Vulkan.


Despite the caveats, a Vulkan extension represents the most efficient way currently to provide equivalent visuals in an OpenGL layer compared to the vendors' OpenGL implementations. Once the OpenGL layer replaces vendors' implementations, and once the hardware features are removed, an emulation path can be chosen for dithering. By that time, it is hoped that applications requiring implicit dithering are a relic of the past, and paying the extra cost on newer more efficient hardware would be negligible, or at least acceptable.


typedef struct VkPhysicalDeviceLegacyDitheringFeaturesEXT {
    VkStructureType    sType;
    void*              pNext;
    VkBool32           legacyDithering;
} VkPhysicalDeviceLegacyDitheringFeaturesEXT;
  • legacyDithering specifies that OpenGL dithering is available.

Enabling Dithering

Extending VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits, VK_SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_ENABLE_LEGACY_DITHERING_BIT_EXT will enable dithering for the subpass. Extending VkRenderingFlagBits, VK_RENDERING_ENABLE_LEGACY_DITHERING_BIT_EXT does the same when using dynamic rendering. When used with dynamic rendering (VK_RENDERING_ENABLE_LEGACY_DITHERING_BIT_EXT), the graphics pipelines additionally need to be created with the VK_PIPELINE_CREATE_2_ENABLE_LEGACY_DITHERING_BIT_EXT flag (which requires VK_KHR_maintenance5).

The Vulkan implementation is expected to apply dithering equivalently to the vendor’s OpenGL driver.


The dithering applied through the use of this extension is unspecified, and it is possible that the implementation performs no dithering at all for some formats. However, it will be equivalent to the vendor’s OpenGL driver given equivalent OpenGL API calls. The following limitations thus apply to OpenGL as well.

  • Only certain formats may actually be dithered.
  • The details of the dithering algorithm are unknown.
  • Correctness of the dithering algorithm with respect to sRGB are not guaranteed.

It is strongly recommended that Vulkan applications implement dithering on their own if needed. This extension is intended only for use by OpenGL emulation layers.