
Problem Statement

The SPIR-V specification defines several types of instructions as communicating between invocations. It refers to these instructions as tangled instructions. Tangled instructions include very useful instructions such as subgroup operations and derivatives. In order to correctly reason about their programs, shader authors need to be able to understand, and be provided some guarantees, about which invocations will be tangled together. Unfortunately, SPIR-V does not provide strong guarantees surrounding the divergence and reconvergence of invocations. The guarantees it does provide are rather weak and lead to unreliable behavior across different devices (or even different drivers of the same device).

VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow provides stronger guarantees, but still has some drawbacks from a shader author’s point of view. Shader authors would like to be able to reason about the divergence and reconvergence of invocations executing shaders written in an HLL and have that reasoning translate faithfully into SPIR-V.

Solution Space

The following options were considered to address this issue:

  1. Add new mechanisms to SPIR-V, and optionally HLLs, that provide explicit divergence and reconvergence information directly in the shader.
  2. Add new guarantees to SPIR-V (through a new execution mode) that guarantee divergence and reconvergence in SPIR-V maps intuitively from the shader’s representation in an HLL.

The main advantage of option 1 is that is completely explicit. The main disadvantage is it likely requires additional changes in HLL (otherwise just use option 2) and that it requires shader authors to write more verbose code to achieve what should, intuitively, be obvious behavior.

The main advantage of option 2 is that there is almost no burden placed on shader authors (beyond requesting the new style of execution). Their code works how they expect across different devices. The main disadvantage is that drivers must be cautious to preserve the information implicitly encoded in the SPIR-V control flow graph throughout internal transformations in order to guarantee the expected divergence and reconvergence. Option 2 is a clear win for shader authors and the difficulty for implementations is expected to be manageable.



This extension exposes the ability to use the SPIR-V extension, which provides extra guarantees surrounding divergence and reconvergence.

The extension introduces the idea of a tangle, which is the set of invocations that execute a specific dynamic instruction instance and provides a set of rules to reason about which invocations are included in each tangle.

The rules are designed to match shader author intuition of divergence and reconvergence in an HLL. That is, divergence and reconvergence information is inferred directly from the control flow graph of the SPIR-V module.


uint myMaterialIndex = ...;
for (;;) {
  uint materialIndex = subgroupBroadcastFirst(myMaterialIndex);
  if (myMaterialIndex == materialIndex) {
    // Vulkan specification requires uniform access to the resource.
    vec4 diffuse = texture(diffuseSamplers[materialIndex], uv);

    // ...


In the above example, the shader author relies on invocations executing different loop iterations being diverged from each other; however, SPIR-V does not guarantee this to be the case. Without maximal reconvergence, an implementation may interleave invocations among different iterations of the loop, inadvertently breaking the uniform access. Another potential problem is that implementations may treat the resource access as occurring outside the loop altogether depending on how the compiler analyzes the program. With maximal reconvergence, invocations are executing different loop iterations are never in the same tangle and the break block is always considered to be inside the loop. With those restrictions, this example behaves as the shader author expects.

// Free should be initialized to 0.
layout(set=0, binding=0) buffer BUFFER { uint free; uint data[]; } b;
void main() {
  bool needs_space = false;
  if (needs_space) {
    // gl_SubgroupSize may be larger than the actual subgroup size so
    // calculate the actual subgroup size.
    uvec4 mask = subgroupBallot(needs_space);
    uint size = subgroupBallotBitCount(mask);
    uint base = 0;
    if (subgroupElect()) {
      // "free" tracks the next free slot for writes.
      // The first invocation in the subgroup allocates space
      // for each invocation in the subgroup that requires it.
      base = atomicAdd(b.free, size);

    // Broadcast the base index to other invocations in the subgroup.
    base = subgroupBroadcastFirst(base);
    // Calculate the offset from "base" for each invocation.
    uint offset = subgroupBallotExclusiveBitCount(mask);

    // Write the data in the allocated slot for each invocation that
    // requested space.
    b.data[base + offset] = ...;

This example is borrowed from the guide for VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control flow. Even with subgroup uniform control flow the rewritten example had a caveat that the code could only be executed from subgroup uniform control flow. With maximal reconvergence, the unaltered version of code (as listed above) can be used directly to perform atomic compaction. The extra subgroup operations required by subgroup uniform control flow are no longer required. Maximal reconvergence guarantees that the election, broadcast and bit count all operate on the same tangle.


RESOLVED: Can a single behavior be provided for switch statements?

Unfortunately, maximal reconvergence cannot guarantee a single behavior for switch statements. There are too many different implementations for a switch statement, restricting the divergence and reconvergence behavior would have serious negative performance impacts on some implementations. Instead, shader authors should avoid switch statements in favor of if/else statements if they require guarantees about divergence and reconvergence.